Original Toshiba CF1L printhead
Toshiba TEC CF1L/CK1L printhead
Toshiba TEC CF1L the ultimate inkjet head for excellent jetting reliability with ink circulation. This Toshiba CF1L is an inkjet head that offers a long-awaited solution of enhancing jetting reliability, and its print quality well fits a wide range of application from ceramic, transpromotional, label & packaging to sign & graphics.
In particular, CF1L demonstrates is full merit for a singlepass printing where reliability is a top priority.
Specifications :
Print Method: Drop on demand piezo
Print Width: 53.7mm
Number of channels: 636
Resolution: 300dpi / 84.5 micron
Grayscale level: 8-levels (0.5 - 7 dpd)
Drop Volume: 64 - 90pl
Maximum dot frequency: 4.8kHz (at max dpd)
Linear speed: 24m/min (at max dpd)
Driving voltage: 14 - 31V
Drop velocity: 7 - 9 (m/s)
Weight: 161g (185g with positionning plate)
Dimension: 94 (W) x 79 (D) x 26 (H) mm / 111 (W) x 79 (D) x 34 (H) mm with repositionning plate
Jettable fluids: UV-curing, oil-based